The House of Mina Lima – Exhibition

Before New Designers started, I took the tube to go and visit an exhibition of two of my heroes, in Graphic Design. MinaLima.

Deep in the heart of Greek Street I ventured to find a vibrant shop front, with many prints and goodies to purchase, from the exhibition. Climbing the vibrant purple stairs, taking note of the way–finding systems and attempting to hide my excitement.

The first floor was incredible, many hundreds of prints lining the walls. Their project of collective nouns showed their mastery in the craft. Each print, were different however collectively they fit as a family. They transformed something knowledgeable into visual forms, to which only the eye can behold. Each print had the subject and their collective noun. Since my Major Project, I had become interested in our language somewhat, mostly of the hidden meanings behind phrases we say. This was somewhat different yet I felt motivated to do something, I am unsure what… perhaps turn my personal project that I seemed to have abandoned about the Magpie Rhyme into a visual print or piece of information design. At this point I do not know.

Moving on to the second and third floors, I was blown away by the extent of the vibrancy of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, The Quibbler and the most amazing typography displayed on large copies of the Daily Prophet and the largest Marauders Map, decorated on the floor. It was beautiful. Edwardo Lima and Miraphora Mina I realised, have been the most visual stimulus through their work in the Harry Potter Franchise, as a child growing up. I feel without them, I probably wouldn’t be this passionate about Graphic Design. They are my biggest inspiration.

The third floor too, was incredible with all their book covers for the films, that the students of Hogwarts used on a daily basis. Everything was so incredible I wanted to buy as many prints as possible. However, I would have bought the whole shop if it weren’t for the fact I now need to be precious about money. SO, I settled for their two books: A Zeal of Zebras, and A Compendium of Collective Nouns, to settle my twitching fingers. I am yet to read through them and appreciate their talents on each page.

I would like to visit them again, perhaps before they close in February 2017. I really recommend going it is the most exciting adventure and to admire everything Ed and Mira have done, for all the Harry Potter Fanbase to bring the films to life.

More Messy Fun Time!

Messy Fun Time seems to be a reoccurring thing on a Friday…… (maybe it’s because I have no lectures on this day!)

I am still experimenting with mediums with my promotion and employability unit, this time my adventures took me to the Screen Printing room, to experiment with my logo. The effects were awesome, and I cannot wait to scan these in to enhance the colours!

(I may already have my favourite!!!!)